Make an Etsy Income with Printables
For those of you looking to start a passive income business from home, there is nothing easier or more creative than selling digital downloads on Etsy. The skills required are minimal. All you need is a desire to create. The best part about making printables to sell on Etsy (other than the little to no overhead cost) is the lack of physical product. There is nothing to store except on your hard drive, which makes this the perfect business for people with who don’t have much extra space in their homes. You could literally start a business with zero dollars if you wanted to!
So what are the best printables to sell on Etsy?
Don’t worry! We’ll get into that! Here you will find a list of the best printables to sell on Etsy (or any other platform!), the tools and resources you need, learn what a PNG is, POD sites and more!